Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Open Letter to That Guy Who Was Recently at my House Playing Games

Dear Guy Who Was Recently at my House Playing Games,

Sir, you are hilarious. I don't know you. You are my younger brother's friend's little sister's husband's brother. But I do know that when you write down "the dreaded clap" as an answer for Things You Shouldn't Pick Up, you are a funny person. Another reason I find you hilarious? You wrote down "wombats" as Things You Wouldn't Want to Find In Your Bed. Wombats? Really? Where did that come from?

Also, you have a beard, and beards are hilarious.

And I agree, bitch-slapping the Pope probably would be one of those Things That Would Keep You Out of Heaven.

Thank you for spending the evening with us. Please come again.

Kirsta Silvey

1 comment:

Steve and Stace said...

Okay - Steve and I were just laughing our heads off at the "bitch-slapping the Pope". This kid would be very interesting to meet!